Which Region First?

After having an introduction to each of the five regions in Australia (The Great Barrier, the Rainforest, the Temperate Forest, the Desert, and the Grasslands), we finally decided where we want to go first when we get to Australia. After much negotiating, our vote proved that we want to travel to the Great Barrier Reef first! I can't wait until we get to Australia and make it to the Great Barrier Reef.

Mouse Painting

We had a wonderful time this week exploring primary and secondary colors. After reading the book, Mouse Paint, we mixed up some colors of our very own. Check out the colors we made!

Our Shape Chart

We had a wonderful time last week finding shapes in our environment! I hope you will take a minute to check out some of the shapes we found! Please continue to help your child find shapes in their environment.

Shape Party

We had a wonderful time at our Shape Party. Thanks to each of you for helping your child pick out a snack to bring and decide on what shape it was. I hope you will enjoy some of the pictures we made at our party. Can you guess what shape we might be eating?